Wake Up to Good News
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Wake Up to Good News: Faith-Based Stories, Books, Quotes, and Ideas to Live By
In Association with...

Freydoon Rassouli is an artist who reveals a mystifying artistic ability in his paintings. Through deep spiritual concentration, he transcribes an image from his subconscious onto canvas. He calls his unique painting style, “Fusionart,” because it brings together Easter and Western cultures. Like an expanding universe, there is an ancient mystery about his work that can be experienced and discovered as the viewer reaches higher consciousness.
Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville
We Dominican women religious, called to be signs of joy and hope, commit ourselves to incarnating the Gospel, deepening our life of prayer, searching for truth, discerning the needs of the Church, and ministering to the people of God.
Carolina Human Reinvestment
These young people may be getting into trouble with the law (under aged drinking, vandalism, or running away). Youth may not be involved with any illegal activity, but still considered “at-risk”...
St. Peter's Lutheran Church
We work to live our values through God's call to grow grace, live hope, and serve love. That means that we seek, welcome, and include all in our ministry. We have been given much, therefore much is expected of us as we share God's abundance, support, challenge, and grow one another and live together as God's people.